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Get Traffic From Your Articles

Since you’re writing articles to get a lot of traffic and make sales, you need to do two obvious things. One is to do market research and keyword research to find topics in high demand. Two is to find keywords that are used by people who are willing to buy stuff.

Once you’ve found a market that’s profitable and keywords that you want to target, it’s time to get a product to sell. If you don’t have your own product, which is the case for a lot of new marketers, go to an affiliate site such as or commission junction. You can sign up for an account for free, and pick out a product to promote. Once you have a product selected, read the sales page, and pick out something to write about that ties in with the product you’re promoting. If you come up with a few ideas, that’s even better, because you can write several articles for the same product, giving you more chances to earn a commission.

You could also decide to do an article that reviews the product. If you go this route, just be careful to not make it look like a sales letter. Some directories won’t accept your article if it is too “salesy”. Now it’s time to write your article. One of the easiest ways to write a good article is to do what the successful writers do. And the way to do that is to go to one of the major article directories such as and find articles that are related to what you’re writing about. Read a few of them to get ideas. Copy and paste parts of several articles that you want to use in your own article.

Another way to get ideas is to enter the keyword you’re targeting into a search engine and going to the sites on the first couple of pages of results. As you look at these pages, copy and paste anything that you find that you might be able to use in your article. The idea here is not to assemble this information into your own article by copying and pasting directly from your notes. The idea is to read through your research notes and write an article in your own words. Once you do this a few times, you’ll get much faster at it, and it will become much easier. Remember why you’re writing your articles. It’s to get traffic to your site or to the site of a product you’re promoting so you get paid.



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